TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 2672 SUBJECT: GRB 040827 - Refined position DATE: 04/08/27 15:17:08 GMT FROM: Sandro Mereghetti at IASF/CNR S. Mereghetti, D. Gotz (IASF, Milano), M.Beck, S.Shaw, P.Lubinski, J.Borkowski (ISDC) on behalf of the IBAS Localization Team report From further analysis of GRB 040827 we derived an improved position at: R.A.: 15h 16m 59.8s Dec. -16deg 08' 21'' with an uncertainty of 2.5 arcmin Note that this updated position is consistent with the one in the IBAS Alert Packet, but due to an error is at about 5 arcmin form that reported in GCN 2670.