TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 2677 SUBJECT: GRB040825A: optical limit before GRB DATE: 04/08/27 20:02:21 GMT FROM: Grzegorz Wrochna at Soltan Inst.for Nuclear Studies M.Cwiok, L.Mankiewicz, K.Nawrocki, B.Pilecki, L.W.Piotrowski, G.Pojmanski, R.Salanski, M.Sokolowski, D.Szczygiel, G.Wrochna, on behalf of "Pi of the Sky / ASAS" collaboration The central part of HETE FOV containing GRB040825A error box was observed by "Pi of the Sky" apparatus (http://grb.fuw.edu.pl) at Las Campanas Observatory for the night of 2004.08.25 from 2:24 UT (1 h 6 min before the GRB) till 9:35 UT (6 h 4 min after the GRB). 10s exposures were taken continuously with 4s intervals by two CCD cameras. The single frame limiting magnitude was strongly varying, due to thin clouds covering the sky. No OT and no unknown objects have been observed within the GRB040825A error box. Preliminary limits for frames PRECEDING, CONTAINING and following the GRB are 10m, 10m, and 9.5m respectively. We are working on better limits for integrated frames. More details can be found at http://grb.fuw.edu.pl/pi/ot/grb040825a/ -- _____________________________________________________ | | | dr hab. Grzegorz Wrochna http://cern.ch/wrochna | | Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies | | Hoza 69 e-mail: wrochna@fuw.edu.pl | | PL 00-681 Warsaw tel: +48 22 628 18 93 | | Poland fax: +48 22 621 28 04 | |_____________________________________________________|