TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 2849 SUBJECT: Optical transient (GRB?) in Lynx, UT Dec 11.4436 DATE: 04/12/16 01:06:04 GMT FROM: Eric Christensen at U.Arizona/LPL On Dec 11 we observed a stationary optical transient at the 0.68m Catalina Schmidt telescope, during the course of surveying for near earth asteroids. IAU Circular 8452 was issued the following day containing our observations (R-band magnitudes): > R.A. = 8h03m24s.60 +/- 0s.07, Decl. = +38o18'35".9 +/- 0".5 (equinox > 2000.0) > Dec. 11.4321 UT, [19.5; 11.4436, 15.9; 11.4549, 17.5; 11.4656, 18.2; > 11.5073, 19.6; 11.5081, 18.9; 11.5090, 19.1; 11.5099, 19.7. Multiple colleagues have noted that these observations approximate a power law rate of decay. A source that appears to be coincident with our observations has since been located in the SDSS archives (RA 120.8528, DEC 38.30967, Src # 587728932410623203, Gunn r=21.9). The source is also visible in the NEAT SkyMorph archives. Radio and X-ray observations are urgently requested. An animation of the event is posted at http://www.lpl.arizona.edu/css/burst.html Eric Christensen Catalina Sky Survey