TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 285 SUBJECT: GRB990321 REFINED IPN ANNULUS DATE: 99/03/27 19:47:25 GMT FROM: Kevin Hurley at UCBerkeley/SSL K. Hurley, T. Cline, and E. Mazets, on behalf of the Ulysses-GRB, KONUS-WIND, and NEAR GRB teams, report: We have refined the error box of GRB990321 (GCN 283). The new box, which is entirely contained within the old one, has an area of ~290 sq. arcminutes. Its corners have the following coordinates: RA(2000) DEC(2000) 13 H 01 M 33.51 S 79 D 37 M 25.99 S 13 H 22 M 05.19 S 79 D 03 M 18.34 S 13 H 10 M 26.62 S 79 D 28 M 40.46 S 13 H 13 M 40.76 S 79 D 13 M 20.77 S 13 H 01 M 26.89 S 79 D 37 M 43.00 S 13 H 22 M 10.97 S 79 D 02 M 59.68 S This error box may be viewed at http://ssl.berkeley.edu/ipn3/990321. Further improvement will be possible when the final data are received.