TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 2859 SUBJECT: GRB 041217: LCO40 Optical Observations and Possible Candidates DATE: 04/12/18 21:01:54 GMT FROM: Edo Berger at Carnegie Obs E. Berger (Carnegie Observatories) and S. Gonzalez (Las Campanas Observatory) report: "We imaged the 12-arcmin radius error circle of GRB 041217 (GCN 2853) with the Swope 40-inch telescope at Las Campanas Observatory starting on December 18.304 (nearly 24 hours after the burst) in r-band for a total of 12 minutes. A comparison to DSS reveals no new bright objects. However, four faint objects close to the detection limit of the DSS are detected with no counterparts in the DSS. We urge other observers to examine their images at the positions of these four candidates: Can-1: RA = 10:58:44.19 DEC= -17:49:34.6 Can-2: RA = 10:59:38.06 DEC= -17:53:02.0 Can-3: RA = 10:59:15.55 DEC= -18:05:35.6 Can-4: RA = 10:59:06.83 DEC= -18:06:58.2 Continued observations are planned."