TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 2947 SUBJECT: SGR 1806-20: Further low frequency GMRT results DATE: 05/01/13 15:01:53 GMT FROM: Poonam Chandra at Tata Inst. Fund.Res. SGR 1806-20: Further low frequency GMRT results P. Chandra on behalf of GMRT observatory reports the detection of radio emission from the SGR 1806-20 with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) in the 610 MHz band (with resolution 6-10") on the following dates: 608 MHz: 6 Jan 2005 111.8 (6.6) mJy 7 Jan 2005 98.8 (29.3) mJy 8 Jan 2005 83.8 (9.2) mJy 9 Jan 2005 74.3 (14.5) mJy The values quoted here are after subtracting the extended emission contribution from the SGR and doing the Tsys corection by a factor of 1.8. The modified value of 608 MHz flux density on 4 Jan 2005 observation is 231.7 (16.7) mJy (uncorrected value 199 mJy in reported in GCN 2939). This new value is after subtracting the extended emission from the SGR and modified with Tsys correction factor of 1.8. We shall report separately the 235 MHz band fluxes of SGR 1806-20 on these days (including 4 Jan 2005 observations (reported in GCN 2939)) treated similarly.