TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 2964 SUBJECT: Unusual optical transient (GRB ???) DATE: 05/01/19 17:12:22 GMT FROM: Jean-Luc Atteia at Lab d Astrophys.,OMP,Toulouse Subject: Unusual optical transient (GRB ???) F. Malacrino, JL. Atteia (LA-OMP), M. Boer (OHP), A. Klotz (CESR-OMP), C. Veillet, J-C. Cuillandre (CFHT), JJ. Kaavelars (HIA-NRC) report on behalf of the GRB Real Time Analysis System at CFHT. We observed an unusual optical transient recorded within the course of the Very-Wide Survey of the CFHTLS ( http://www.cfht.hawaii.edu/Science/CFHLS/ ). The transient is seen on January 16, 2005 in a series of three consecutive exposures with the following relative g� magnitudes (accurate to ~0.5 mag): 16-01-2005, 29408s, g�= 20.5 � 0.1 16-01-2005, 33036s, g�= 22.1 � 0.1 16-01-2005, 36299s, g�= 23.0 � 0.5 On January 17th the transient is not detected down to g�~23.5 The coordinates (J2000) of the transient are: RA = 08 43 55.21 � 2� DEC = 20 02 22.2 � 2� We have no color information on the transient, and there is no object in the USNO-B1 Catalog (Monet 2003) at this position. Given the fast decay of the source we consider that it is more likely to be a faint flare star (like the transient reported in GCNs 2849, 2850, 2851) rather than a GRB afterglow . We nevertheless communicate the position of this transient to the community of GRB observers in case there is some opportunity for follow-up at radio or optical wavelengths with large instruments.