TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 29786 SUBJECT: GRB210410A: Joint inspection of RATIR and D50 data DATE: 21/04/10 15:36:33 GMT FROM: Martin Jelinek at Astro.Inst-AVCR,Ondrejov Nat Butler (ASU) and Martin Jelinek (ASU AV CR Ondrejov) report: We performed a joint inspection of the D50 (Jelinek et al., GCNC29780) and RATIR (Butler et al., GCNC29784) images and agreed that the object reported in both circulars is identical. Joint photometric fit of the data provides a decay rate of 1.18 �� 0.24 (chisq=1.68). Seeing this, we conclude that this object is indeed the optical afterglow of GRB 210410A (cf. Fermi team, GCN 29777, Melandri et al., GCN 29778, Arimoto at al., GCN 29781, Ursi et al., GCNC 29782). The preliminary coordinates reported by the D50 team are flawed and the RATIR value, i.e. RA, Dec = 17:59:1.00, +45:21:44.6 (J2000, +/-0.5") should be used.