TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 298 SUBJECT: Refined IPN error box for GRB990506 DATE: 99/05/07 20:49:45 GMT FROM: Kevin Hurley at UCBerkeley/SSL K. Hurley, on behalf of the Ulysses GRB team, C. Kouveliotou and R. M. Kippen, on behalf of the BATSE GRB team, and T. Cline, on behalf of the NEAR GRB team, report: We have obtained a refined position for this burst using higher time resolution data, and adding the data of the NEAR spacecraft. This results in a true error box, as opposed to just a triangulation annulus. This error box is consistent with that obtained from the intersection of the Ulysses-BATSE annulus with the RXTE error circle, and therefore confirms that the fading X-ray source is indeed related to the GRB, but in this preliminary analysis, it does not reduce its size. Thus the refined error box (area ~30 sq. arcmin.) is defined by the new Ulysses-BATSE annulus and the RXTE error circle. The corners are at: RA(2000) Dec(2000) 11 h 54 m 33 s -26 o 50 ' 59 " 11 h 54 m 56 s -26 o 40 ' 07 " 11 h 54 m 24 s -26 o 49 ' 16 " 11 h 54 m 45 s -26 o 39 ' 36 " Reductions in the widths of the annuli of the order of a factor of two or more will be possible. An image may be viewed at http://ssl.berkeley.edu/ipn3/990506.