TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 309 SUBJECT: IPN localization of GRB990510 DATE: 99/05/10 20:19:19 GMT FROM: Kevin Hurley at UCBerkeley/SSL K. Hurley, on behalf of the Ulysses GRB team, and S. Barthelmy, on behalf of the GCN GRB team, report: We have obtained a preliminary IPN annulus for GRB990510 (BeppoSAX GRB ALERT GRB990510, BATSE 7560) using coarse time resolution BATSE/GCN and Ulysses data. The annulus is centered at RA(2000)= 144.801 degrees, Decl(2000)=-7.236 degrees, and has a radius of 78.074 +/- 0.034 degrees (3 sigma). It intersects the BeppoSAX refined WFC error circle and reduces its area. The intersection defines an ~4' x 6 ' error box whose corners are: RA(2000) DEC(2000) 13 h 38 m 51 s -80 o 31 ' 54 " 13 h 39 m 18 s -80 o 29 ' 51 " 13 h 37 m 05 s -80 o 31 ' 14 " 13 h 38 m 08 s -80 o 26 ' 33 " An image may be found at http://ssl.berkeley/edu/ipn3/990510. The IPN annulus can be refined considerably.