TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 3145 SUBJECT: GRB 050326 BAT refined analysis DATE: 05/03/26 15:43:26 GMT FROM: Jay R. Cummings at NASA/GSFC/Swift J. Cummings (GSFC/NRC), S. Barthelmy, L. Barbier (GSFC), E. Fenimore (LANL), N. Gehrels (GSFC), D. Hullinger (UMD), H. Krimm (GSFC/USRA), C. Markwardt (GSFC/UMD), D. Palmer (LANL), A. Parsons (GSFC), T. Sakamoto (GSFC/NRC), G. Sato (ISAS), M. Suzuki (Saitama), M. Tashiro (Saitama U.), J. Tueller (GSFC), N. White (GSFC) on behalf of the Swift/BAT team: At 09:53:55 UT Swift-BAT detected GRB 050326 (Markwardt et al. GCN Circ 3143). The refined BAT ground position is (RA,Dec) = 6.892, -71.376 [deg; J2000] +- 3 arcmin, (95% containment). The burst had 6 distinct peaks, with several smaller peaks. There was an initial weak peak (at T-9) followed by a 10 times larger peak, which caused the trigger (defined as 0 seconds). Major peaks were at +5, +9, +19, and +23 seconds, all of similar spectral shape. The fluence derived from the event data was 1.9 X 10^-5 erg/cm^2 in the 15-350 keV band. The 1-s peak flux was 17 ph/cm^2/s (also 15-350 keV). The photon index of the 1-s peak spectrum (T+0 s) was 0.98 +/- 0.05 (90% confidence). The time-averaged spectrum yields a photon index of 1.28 +/- 0.03 (90% confidence). The overall measure of burst duration was T90 = 29.5 +/- 2 s (including systematics) T50 was 19 seconds. Clarification on recent BAT triggers and notices: This was BAT trigger number 112453, for which no real-time notices were sent. It was NOT trigger 112467, a provisional trigger, for which real-time notices WERE sent. [GCN OPS NOTE (28mar05): Per author's request, the trigger number was changed from ''111453' to '112453'.]