TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 3164 SUBJECT: GRB 050401: Optical afterglow confirmed DATE: 05/04/01 16:34:27 GMT FROM: Paul Price at IfA,UH P.A. Price (IfA, Hawaii) and R. McNaught (RSAA, ANU) report on behalf of a larger collaboration: Continued observations of the field of GRB 050401 (GCN ##3161,3162) with the 40-inch telescope at Siding Spring Observatory reveals that the optical afterglow candidate (GCN #3163) is variable. In particular, in the course of two unfiltered and four R-band images, the source appears to have brightened and then faded. This source is therefore likely to be the optical afterglow of GRB 050401. Observations are ongoing at Siding Spring Observatory. A rough finding chart showing the afterglow is available from: http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/~price/grb050401finder.ps This message may be cited.