TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 3225 SUBJECT: GRB050410 : Null detection report DATE: 05/04/10 21:00:15 GMT FROM: Eran Ofek at Tel Aviv U. E. O. Ofek, Y. Lipkin (Wise observatory, TAU) report: We have observed the error box of GRB 050410 (La Parola et al. 2005, GCN 3218) using the Wise observatory 1m telescope + Tek CCD camera, starting at 2005, Apr 10th, 17:05 UT. Seven 300 sec R-band images were combined (mid exposure time 5.25 hours after the burst). No new source was detected within a radius which is twice the Swift XRT error circle radius, down to a limiting magnitude of R=20.0