TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 328 SUBJECT: GRB990510, VI observations DATE: 99/05/14 15:02:30 GMT FROM: Andrzej Udalski at Warsaw U. Observatory G. Pietrzynski and A. Udalski (Warsaw University Observatory) report on behalf of the OGLE microlensing survey team: We continued VI-band observations of the optical counterpart of GRB 990510 on May 12/13, 1999 (seeing about 1.8") and May 13/14, 1999 (seeing about 1.1") with the 1.3-m Warsaw telescope at the Las Campanas Observatory (Chile). We report the following brightness of the object as measured in images composed of a few 600 sec exposures: UT JDhel. No of 600s Band Magnitude Error May 1999 -2450000 exposures 13.3423 1311.84493 3 I 21.05 0.13 13.3684 1311.87104 3 V 21.86 0.08 13.9980 1312.49533 3 I 21.17 0.13 14.0267 1312.52935 5 V 22.41 0.06 14.1854 1312.68804 4 I 21.35 0.07 14.2294 1312.73198 4 V 22.46 0.05 We confirm that the object located about 2" south from the optical counterpart of GRB990510 is rather a regular star (cf Lazzati et al, GCN, #325) than the host galaxy. Its point-like character is clearly seen in summed images and its photometry yields: V=22.54+/-0.06 and I=21.33+/-0.07. Updated photometry of the optical counterpart of GRB 990510 and light curves are available from the OGLE Internet archive: http://www.astrouw.edu.pl/~ftp/ogle