TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 3318 SUBJECT: GRB050416a: Radio Detection DATE: 05/04/22 19:15:34 GMT FROM: Alicia Soderberg at Caltech A. M. Soderberg (Caltech) reports on behalf of the Caltech-NRAO-Carnegie GRB Collaboration: "We observed the field centered on the XRT position of the Swift burst GRB 050416a (GCN#3268) using the VLA at a frequency of 4.86 GHz on Apr 22.04 UT (t ~ 5.6 days after the burst). We detect a radio source coincident with the optical afterglow position reported by Cenko & Fox (GCN#3265). The flux density of the source is 260 +- 55 uJy. Further observations are planned"