TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 33782 SUBJECT: GRB 230511D: Zwicky Transient Facility Follow-Up of a Fermi Short GRB (Trigger 705537623) DATE: 23/05/12 20:19:22 GMT FROM: Viraj Karambelkar at Indian Inst of Tech,Bombay Viraj Karambelkar, Robert Stein (Caltech), Simeon Reusch (DESY), Theophile du Laz (Caltech), Aswin Suresh, Harsh Kumar, Vishwajeet Swain, Varun Bhalerao (IIT Bombay), Jannis Necker (DESY), Tomas Ahumada (Caltech) on behalf of the Zwicky Transient Facility Collaboration. We observed the localization region of Fermi GRB 230511D (trigger 705537623). We obtained a total of 75 images covering ztfg, ztfr bands for a total of 8750 seconds. The observations covered 951.5 square degrees beginning at 2023-05-12T04:02:10.000 (5 hours after the burst trigger time) corresponding to ~60% of the probability enclosed in the localization region. The median depth of the observations was ~21.3 mag. Our observations cover the part of the localization that is northwards of -24 degrees declination. Any candidate-counterparts will be announced in forthcoming GCNs.