TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 34727 SUBJECT: GRB 230812B: Radio observations with the uGMRT DATE: 23/09/18 11:41:40 GMT FROM: S. Mohnani at Indian Institute Of Technology Indore S. Mohnani (IIT Indore), S. Chatterjee (IIT Indore), B. Banerjee (GSSI), A. Shukla (IIT Indore), A. Datta (IIT Indore), G. Oganesyan (GSSI), S. Agarwal (IIT Indore), M. Branchesi (GSSI), K.K Yadav (ApSD BARC), V. Chitnis (TIFR), G.C. Anupama (IIA), P. Tiwari (GSSI), S. Mangla (IIT Indore) At 11:30:00 UT on 2023 September 17 (35.92 days post-burst) upgraded Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope (uGMRT) observed the field of GRB 230812B (Fermi GBM team, GCN 34386) at a central frequency of 1.26 GHz for about 2 hours. The standard 3C286 was used as a bandpass and flux density calibrator, while 1635+381 was used as a phase calibrator. Based on preliminary analysis, we do not detect any source consistent with the location of the afterglow (A.P. Beardmore et al., GCN 34400; S. Giarratana et al., GCN 34552). The 3-sigma upper limit achieved is ~ 43 micro Jy. We would like to thank the staff of the uGMRT for approving, executing, and processing the observations through the DDT proposal (ddtC304; PI- Shraddha Mohnani). The uGMRT is operated by the National Center for Radio Astrophysics of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research.