TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 34946 SUBJECT: GRB 231104A: AKO Upper Limit DATE: 23/11/04 19:20:58 GMT FROM: Mohammad Odeh at Al Khatim Observatory M44 Mohammad Odeh (Al-Khatim Observatory, AKO, operated by the International Astronomical Center in Abu Dhabi, UAE) and Nidhal Guessoum (American University of Sharjah, UAE) report: We observed the Fermi GRB 231104A field (Fermi GBM team, GCN 34937) with with our 0.36m f/7.7 robotic telescope on November 4, from 17:12 to 18:22 UT (corresponding to 16.6 hours from the GRB trigger time) using (Ic) filter. We obtained 24x180 second images. We do not detect a source within the Swift-XRT error region around the candidate X-ray source (Page et al., GCN 34938). The following 5-sigma upper limit is calculated using the ATLAS catalog as reference: Ic = 19.7