TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 35300 SUBJECT: GRB 231206A: joint location of multiple instruments by ETJASMIN DATE: 23/12/07 06:18:14 GMT FROM: yqzhang_cl@163.com Yanting Zhang, Shaolin Xiong, Yue Huang, Shuo Xiao, Xiaoyun Zhao, Ping Wang, report on behalf of the GECAM team: The short burst, GRB 231206A, has been detected by GECAM-B (Liu et al., GCN 35283) and INTEGRAL/SPI-ACS. With the ETJASMIN pipeline (Energetic Transients joint analysis system for Multi-INstrument, Xiao et al., MNRAS, 514, 2397, 2022) and the data of GECAM-B and INTEGRAL/SPI-ACS, we did a joint location for this burst. Firstly, we applied the Li-CCF method (Xiao et al., ApJ, 920, 43, 2021) to the high temporal resolution (~0.1 ms) light curve of GECAM-B and the low-latency public 50 ms light curve of INTEGRAL/SPI-ACS, and derived the triangulation location as the following annuli: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Annulus Ra (deg) Dec (deg) Radius (deg) Radius-Error (deg, 3sigma) GECAM-B + SPI-ACS 37.933 78.224 103.958 47.522 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Then, we combined this triangulation location, the stand-alone location provided by GECAM-B (Liu et al., GCN 35283), as well as the Earth occultation of these instruments, and derived a refined location, which is much smaller than the stand-alone ones. The center (highest probability) of this refined location is: -------------------------------------- RA (deg) Dec (deg) Center 314.648 -20.742 -------------------------------------- The 1-simga region of this refined location is about 295 deg^2. The sky map and probability healpix data of this refined location could be found at: Sky map: http://twiki.ihep.ac.cn/pub/GECAM/GRBList/GRB231206-jointLoc-skymap-v01.png Data file: http://twiki.ihep.ac.cn/pub/GECAM/GRBList/GRB231206A-jointLoc-healpix-v01.fits Note that a part of the location region is below the Earth limb of GECAM-B and thus excluded. This location may be improved. ETJASMIN is developed for joint observation of high energy transients by the GECAM team. We acknowledge the public data of INTEGRAL/SPI-ACS.