TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 3566 SUBJECT: GRB 050525a: ARC 3.5-Meter SPIcam Field Calibration DATE: 05/07/06 18:42:11 GMT FROM: Melissa Nysewander at UNC,Chapel Hill M. Nysewander (North Carolina), J. Flasher (Colorado), F. Hearty (Colorado), G. Stringfellow (Colorado), J. Walawender (Colorado), D. Q. Lamb (Chicago), J. Dembicky (APO), J. Barentine (APO), R. McMillan (APO), B. Ketzeback (APO), D. Reichart (North Carolina), and D. G. York (Chicago) report on behalf of the FUN GRB collaboration: Using griz all-sky photometry of a 4.8 arcmin x 4.8 arcminute field centered on the coordinates of the optical afterglow of GRB 0505025a that was derived from ARC 3.5-meter SPIcam observations made between 4:00 and 7:00 UT on 2005 June 13, we have calculated the griz magnitudes of 103 sources in the field of GRB 050525a: http://www.physics.unc.edu/~mnysewan/grb050525a.dat The astrometry in these files is based on the USNO B1.0-catalogue. The estimated systematic errors in the astrometry are less than 400mas. The estimated systematic photometric errors are typically � 0.05 mag in the gri bands and � 0.06 mag in the z band.