TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 35712 SUBJECT: GRB 240209A: Fermi GBM Final Localization DATE: 24/02/09 21:46:46 GMT FROM: Christian Malacaria at ISSI The Fermi GBM team reports the detection of a likely LONG GRB. "At 06:19:19.82 UT on 09 April 2024, the Fermi Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor triggered and located GRB 240209A (trigger 729152364 / 240209263). The on-ground calculated location, using the GBM trigger data, is RA = 259.8, DEC = 70.5 (J2000 degrees, equivalent to 17h 19m, 70d 30'), with an uncertainty of 9.1 degrees. The angle from the Fermi LAT boresight at the GBM trigger time is 31 degrees. The skymap can be found here: https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/fermi/data/gbm/triggers/2024/bn240209263/quicklook/glg_skymap_all_bn240209263.png The HEALPix FITS file, including the estimated localization systematic, can be found here: https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/fermi/data/gbm/triggers/2024/bn240209263/quicklook/glg_healpix_all_bn240209263.fit The GBM light curve can be found here: https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/fermi/data/gbm/triggers/2024/bn240209263/quicklook/glg_lc_medres34_bn240209263.gif"