TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 36189 SUBJECT: EP240414a: Near-IR observations with NIRES and WINTER DATE: 24/04/20 04:42:12 GMT FROM: Viraj Karambelkar at Indian Inst of Tech,Bombay Viraj Karambelkar (Caltech), Kaew Tinyanont (NARIT), Sam Rose (Caltech), Tomas Ahumada (Caltech), Robert Stein (Caltech), Nathan Lourie (MIT), Danielle Frostig (MIT), Geoffrey Mo (MIT), Robert Simcoe (MIT), Mansi Kasliwal (Caltech) We observed the location of the X-ray transient EP240414a (Lian et al., GCN 36091) in the K-prime band with the NIRES acquisition camera on the Keck II telescope starting at UTC 2024-04-19T08:15:11. Our observations lasted for 100 seconds (25 sec, 4 coadds). We detect the optical counterpart (GCN 36094, 36105, 36110, 36130, 36150, 36154, 36171, 36187) in the near-infrared Kp-band with m_Kp ~ 19.8 +/- 0.1 mag (AB). This suggests an r - Kp color of ~ 1 mag, based on r-band photometry from 0.7 days earlier (reported in Wang et al. GCN #36171). We also observed the location with the WINTER camera on the Palomar 40-inch telescope (Lourie et al. 2021) in the J-band on UTC 2024-04-24T06:22:01 and did not detect the source to a limit of m_J ~ 19 mag (AB).