TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 3674 SUBJECT: GRB 050724: Optical limit DATE: 05/07/25 03:56:34 GMT FROM: Ken ichi Torii at RIKEN K. Torii (Osaka U.) reports on behalf of the ART collaboration: The error region of the possible short GRB 050724 (Covino et al. 3665, Krimm et al. GCN 3667) was observed by the 14 inch Automated Response Telescope in Osaka. The imaging started at 2005 July 24 12:40:35 UT (75 s after the alert reception; 386 s after the trigger) and RcIcBV frames of 60s integration were obtained. We find no optical counterpart for the X-ray afterglow (GCN 3665, Romano et al. GCN 3669) and derive its 3-sigma upper limit relative to USNO-B1.0 magnitude as follows. ================================ Start(UT) Filter Mag Exposure -------------------------------- 12:41:43 Ic >14.5 60s --------------------------------