TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 36876 SUBJECT: GRB 240713A: optical upper limits from the INAF Asiago Observatory DATE: 24/07/15 17:07:55 GMT FROM: Paolo D'Avanzo at INAF-OAB A. Reguitti (INAF-OAB/INAF-OAPd), P. D'Avanzo, R. Brivio, M. Ferro, Y-D.Hu (INAF-OAB), A. Rossi (INAF-OAS), A. Melandri (INAF - OAR), L. Tomasella (INAF-OAPd) report on behalf of the CIBO collaboration: We observed the field of GRB 240713A detected by SVOM/ECLAIR and Fermi/GBM (Schanne et al., GCN Circ. 36854; Burns et al., GCN Circ. 36856) from the INAF - Padova Astronomical Observatory located in Asiago (Italy) with the Schmidt telescope starting on 2023-07-14 at 00:06:36 UT (~ 22.07 hours after the burst) with the r filter. No optical afterglow candidate is detected within the entire 1 deg x 1deg field of view of the telescope, which covers the whole error circle of SVOM/ECLAIR and the positions of the EP-FXT sources (Yang et al., GCN Circ. 36859), down to a 3sigma limiting magnitude of r ~ 20.7 (AB; calibrated against the PanSTARRS catalogue).