TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 3696 SUBJECT: GRB050724: Refined Radio Position DATE: 05/07/28 20:07:36 GMT FROM: Alicia Soderberg at Caltech A. M. Soderberg (Caltech) reports on behalf of the Caltech-NRAO-Carnegie collaboration: "Further observations of the radio afterglow (GCN 3676, 3684) of GRB050724 (GCN 3665) have allowed for a position to be derived with increased astrometric accuracy: RA (J2000) 16 24 44.369 � 0.007s DEC (J2000) -27 32 27.5 � 0.2" which is consistent with the position of the optical transient (GCN 3681, 3690)."