TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 37044 SUBJECT: EP240804a: GSP detects optical candidate counterpart DATE: 24/08/05 14:58:26 GMT FROM: Wenxiong Li W. X. Li, S. J. Xue (NAOC), M. Andrews, J. Farah, D. A. Howell, M. Newsome, E. Padilla Gonzalez, C. McCully, and G. Terreran (Las Cumbres Observatory), on behalf of a larger collaboration, report the optical follow-up observations of the optical candidate counterpart to the fast X-ray transient EP240804a (Wang et al. 37034; An et al. 37035). Our observations were conducted on 2024 Aug. 05.3 UT using the 1-meter telescope at the Las Cumbres Observatory node located at Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory in Chile. The transient is detected in r-band images: r = 20.7+-0.1 Further follow-up observations are encouraged. These observations were taken as part of the Global Supernova Project.