TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 37095 SUBJECT: EP-WXT trigger 01709018832: KAIT optical observations of the star flare DATE: 24/08/07 22:01:22 GMT FROM: Weikang Zheng at UC Berkeley WeiKang Zheng (UCB), Xuhui Han (NAOC), Pinpin Zhang (NAOC) and Alexei V. Filippenko (UCB) report on behalf of the KAIT GRB team: The 0.76-m Katzman Automatic Imaging Telescope (KAIT), located at Lick Observatory, automatically responded to the fast X-ray transient WXT trigger 01709018832 from the Einstein Probe (Jiang et al. GCNC 37090) starting at 06:49 UT, 27 minutes after the trigger. A set of clear (roughly R) filter images were obtained. We do not detect any new optical counterpart in the EP/FXT errorbox (Jiang et al. GCNC 37090). However, the star within the EP/FXT errorbox (Gaia DR3 2445442335531658752), as pointed out by Jiang et al. (GCNC 37090), was clearly detected in all of our images. Photometry shows its magnitude steadily decayed from ~15.1 mag at ~0.46 hours to ~16.2 mag at ~5.26 hours after the trigger. We thus confirm WXT trigger 01709018832 is truly from this star flare, consistent with the X-ray flare from the same star as suggested by Jiang et al. (GCNC 37090).