TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 37109 SUBJECT: EP-WXT trigger 01709018832: SVOM/C-GFT observations of the star flare DATE: 24/08/09 02:07:10 GMT FROM: Chao Wu at NAOC Xuhui Han (NAOC), Zhe Kang (CHO), Liping Xin (NAOC),Chao Wu (NAOC), Xiaomeng Lu (NAOC), Pinpin Zhang (NAOC), Ruosong Zhang (NAOC),You Lv (CHO),Yujie Xiao(NAOC), Yulei Qiu (NAOC), Jing Wang(GXU/NAOC), Zhenwei Li (CHO),and Jianyan Wei (NAOC) on behalf of SVOM GRB team We observed the field of the fast X-ray transient WXT trigger 01709018832 from the Einstein Probe (Jiang et al. GCNC 37090) starting at 14:46 UT, August 7, 2024, ~8.4 hr after the trigger with C-GFT (Chinese Ground Follow-up Telescope in SVOM mission) in System Test Mode (STM). C-GFT is located at Jilin (long.=126.33 deg, lat.= 43.8243778 deg), Changchun Observatory, National Astronomical Observatories, CAS. It has FOV of 1.28 deg x 1.28 deg with a 4k*4k CMOS detector mounted on the primary focus of 1.2-meter-aperure telescope. A series of g,r,and i band images were obtained during 18 min observation. The exposure time was 30*10 seconds for each band. Preliminary analysis shows that the brightness of the flare star (Gaia DR3 2445442335531658752) were g=17.6, r=17.1 and i=15.5, without any variation. Comparing with the magnitude (g=18.3, r=17.1, i=15.4 ) from Pan-STARRS(PS1), the r and i band magnitudes are consistent with PS1 catalog, but it was still brightening of 0.6 magnitude at g band. Combined with the results reported by Weikang et al. (GCN 37095), we confirm that the flare star was still at the flaring status after ~8.4 hr from the trigger with g band observations. We thank the observation assistants Wenbo Li and Chunlei Guo at Jilin observatory for their excellent support.