TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 37730 SUBJECT: GRB 241006A: PRIME near-infrared upper limits DATE: 24/10/07 15:17:29 GMT FROM: Joe Durbak at UMD J. Durbak (UMD), O. Guiffreda (UMD), S. Atri (U Rome), A. S. Kutyrev (NASA/GSFC), E. Troja (U Rome), K. De (MIT), S. B. Cenko (NASA/GSFC) Following the Swift BAT detection (GCN 37722), we observed the transient field in J-filter with PRIME ~45 minutes after Swift BAT detection in cloudy conditions. At the enhanced XRT position (GCN 37728), we detect no uncatalogued sources in J-band. Using nearby VISTA Hemispherical Survey (VHS) stars for preliminary calibration we derive a limiting magnitude of <18.7 AB, not corrected for Galactic extinction. PRIME is a 1.8m telescope with 1.56 square degree FOV (0.5 arcsec/pixel) located in Sutherland, South Africa at the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO) (Kutyrev et al. 2023, Yama et al. 2023, Durbak et al. 2024). We thank the Osaka University observers at PRIME and the staff at SAAO for their support with these observations.