TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 378 SUBJECT: IPN localization of GRB990705 DATE: 99/07/07 17:36:25 GMT FROM: Kevin Hurley at UCBerkeley/SSL K. Hurley, on behalf of the Ulysses GRB team, and M. Feroci, on behalf of the BeppoSAX GRB team, report: We have obtained a preliminary IPN annulus for GRB990705. This annulus is centered at RA=147.5135 deg., Decl.=-8.0335 deg. (J2000), and has a radius of 76.3049 +/- 0.0128 deg. (3 sigma). It intersects the BeppoSAX NFI error circle (GCN 373) to form a 5.4 arcmin.^2 error box whose corners are: RA(2000) Decl.(2000) 05h 09m 52.5s -72o 09' 53" 05h 09m 39.2s -72o 06' 29" 05h 10m 12.1s -72o 09' 34" 05h 09m 57.9s -72o 05' 55" This error box excludes the three radio sources reported in GCN 376, but includes the ESO NTT source reported in GCN 377. A map may be found at ssl.berkeley.edu/ipn3/990705/. This annulus can be refined considerably.