TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 37822 SUBJECT: GRB 241018A: REM optical/NIR upper limits DATE: 24/10/19 11:12:34 GMT FROM: Matteo Ferro at INAF-OAB M. Ferro, P. D’Avanzo, M. G. Bernardini, D. Fugazza, R. Brivio, Y.-D. Hu, and S. Covino (INAF-OAB), report on behalf of the REM team: We observed the field of GRB 241018A detected by SVOM (Atteia et al., GCN 37812; Maggi et al., GCN 37814; Qiu et al., GCN 37819), with the REM 60cm robotic telescope located at the ESO observatory of La Silla (Chile). The observations were carried in the g, r, i, z, H bands, starting on 2024 October 19 at 07:08:55 UT (i.e. 19.2 hours after the Fermi trigger), and lasting for about 40 minutes. From preliminary photometry at the best candidate afterglow position (Qiu et al., GCN 37819; Malesani et al., GCN 37821) we did not detect any optical/NIR counterpart down to the following 3sigma magnitude upper limits: H > 17.5 (Vega; calibrated against the 2MASS catalogue) r > 18.9 (AB; calibrated against the PS1 catalogue) at a mid-time of t - t0 = 19.5 hours after the trigger.