TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 38357 SUBJECT: EP241126a: WFST Observations DATE: 24/11/28 02:53:42 GMT FROM: Tianrui Sun at Purple Mountain Obs,CAS Jin-Jun Geng, Ji-An Jiang, Ning Jiang, Ming-Xin Wu, Min-Xuan Cai, Jia-Zheng Zhu, Kun Yan, Qing-Yi Hai, Xue-Feng Wu on behalf of the WFST Collaboration: Following the detection of the fast X-ray transient EP241126a by WXT (Hu et al., GCN 38335) and FXT on board Einstein Probe (Zheng et al., GCN 38339), TRT (Fu et al., GCN 38337) and GSP (Li et al., GCN 38338), we carried out image observations using the newly deployed Wide Field Survey Telescope (WFST Collaboration; arXiv:2306.07590) at Lenghu Astronomical Observation Base (Qinghai province, China) to search and follow up its afterglow in the error box. The optical counterpart candidate (Fu et al., GCN 38337 and Li et al., GCN 38338) was detected in the r band on the co-added images with an exposure time of 8 x 60s. Our preliminary results are as follows: |RA |DEC | DATE-OBS |Filter | Magnitude |02:14:57.974 |+11:42:05.34 |2024-11-27T11:47 |r | 22.55+/-0.23 We used the PanStarrs DR1 (Flewelling,2020) catalog as the magnitude reference for calibration.