TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 38649 SUBJECT: GRB 241217A / EP241217b: Non-detection in ATCA Radio Follow-up Observations DATE: 24/12/23 11:47:10 GMT FROM: Tao An at SHAO, CAS Tao An, Yuanqi Liu (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, China), Jinjun Geng, Xuefeng Wu (Purple Mountain Observatory, China) report on behalf of the EP radio follow-up team: GRB241217A/EP241217b was initially discovered and reported by the SVOM team (Marius et al. GCN 38594), followed by EP detection post-trigger (Zhou et al. GCN 38606). In response to the optical counterpart detections (Qiu et al., GCN 38600; Schneider et al. GCN 38637), we conducted radio follow-up observations using the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). We observed the SVOM/VT-reported position [RA(J2000) = 05:36:36.327, Dec(J2000) = -25:17:49.33] during two epochs: UTC 13:00-18:00 on December 20, 2024, and UTC 14:00-18:30 on December 21, 2024. In the images made using natural weighting, no significant emission was detected at either 5.5 GHz or 9 GHz, with 3σ upper limits of 27 μJy and 24 μJy, respectively. We thank the ATCA team for their rapid scheduling and excellent support.