TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 38652 SUBJECT: EP241217a: e-MERLIN radio observations DATE: 24/12/23 17:24:05 GMT FROM: Roberto Ricci at INAF-IRA R. Ricci (U Rome), E. Troja (U Rome) and M. Yadav (U Rome) report on behalf of a larger collaboration: On Dec 19th the e-MERLIN UK radio interferometer observed EP241217a (Zhou et al., GCN 38586) as part of the ORP project CY18M011 (PI: Troja et al.) at the position provided by Gemini-North (Levan et al GCN 38587). The observations started at 12:00 UT and terminated at 20:54 UT (mid elapsed time = 2.45 days after the trigger). e-MERLIN observed at 5 GHz with a total Bandwidth of 512 MHz in four sub-bands of 128 channels each. 1331+3030 (3C286) was used as flux calibrator and 0301+3037 as phase calibrator. The data were processed using the e-MERLIN CASA calibration pipeline (v1.1.19) [1] and also imaged in CASA with a restoring beam size of 60 x 40 mas. No clear detection was found in the final image. We estimated a 3-sigma rms noise of 96 microJy/beam. The Authors thank the e-MERLIN support team and in particular David Williams for promptly scheduling and performing these observations. e-MERLIN is a National Facility operated by the University of Manchester at Jodrell Bank Observatory on behalf of STFC, part of UK Research and Innovation. [1] e-MERLIN CASA pipeline (eMCP): https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2021ascl.soft09006M/abstract