TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 38734 SUBJECT: GRB 241229B: SAO RAS optical upper limit DATE: 24/12/30 21:20:15 GMT FROM: Moskvitin Alexander at SAO RAS A. S. Moskvitin, O. I. Spiridonova (SAO RAS), A. A. Volnova and A. S. Pozanenko (IKI RAS) report on behalf of the GRB follow-up team. We observed the field of GRB 241229B (Fermi GBM Team, GCN 38698; D'Ai et al., GCN 38699) with the 1-m telescope of SAO RAS, Zeiss-1000 equipped with the CCD-photometer on December 30, 14:47:58--16:04:24 UT, t_mid - T0 = 1.5763 days. We obtained 12 x 300 sec. images in Rc band. In the stacked image we did not detected OT discovered by SVOM/VT team (GCN 38729) and confirmed by Volnova et al., (GCN 38732) down to the limiting magnitude of R_lim = 22.3 (based on the same nearby PS1 stars, magnitudes were converted with the Lupton 2005 equations).