TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 3876 SUBJECT: GRB050824, I-band imaging DATE: 05/08/25 16:13:00 GMT FROM: Arne A. Henden at AAVSO D. Hohman (Stone Edge Observatory, NY) reports on behalf of the AAVSO International High Energy Network on optical observations of the Swift burst GRB050824 (Campana et al., GCN3866). Images taken with a 20cm SCT and Ic filter with midpoint time of 050825 0530UT (6.3hrs after the burst) do not show any object at the candidate afterglow location by Gorosabel et al. (GCN3865) down to the DSS-2 N-plate limit (about I=18). The full report is given below. The AAVSO thanks the Curry Foundation for support of the AAVSO International High Energy Network. --------------------------- Report filed on Thu Aug 25 08:37:34 2005: Name: Dennis Hohman email: dhohman@txrx.com Observer: HDF Site: Stone Edge Observatory Location: Orchard Park, NY LatitudeLongitude: Elevation: 275 meters Scope: SCT 20 cm ScopeFocalRatio: F5.9 CCDVendor: ST7XME CCDDetector: KAF402E CCDSize: 752x512 CCDPixelScale: 1.5 CCDFOV: 13x19 arc min Object: 050824 ObsDate: 08/25/05 ObsMidPointTime: 05:30 TimePerFrame: 240 sec NumberOfFrames: 13 Filters: I Processing: Flats/Darks/coadd Seeing: 4 - 4.5 LimitingMag: Sky: Clear afterglowmag: afterglowerr: compstars: Report: Full error circle covered. No new object to the limit of the POSS2/UKSTU IR plate. comments: A FITS image has been uploaded to ftp://ftp.aavso.org/grb/DennisHohman_050824_2453608.02609_.fits