TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 390 SUBJECT: GRB990705: No Evidence for Neutrino Signal DATE: 99/07/19 15:48:49 GMT FROM: Walter Fulgione at CNR-Torino Walter Fulgione, on behalf of the Large Volume Detector collaboration, report: Concerning the GRB990705 (BeppoSAX mail # 99/16 and 99/17): the LVD neutrino telescope in the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory was running on July 5th, 16:01:25 UT and it has been steadily taking data since June 22nd, with an active scintillator mass of 573 ton. No evidence for any burst of neutrino interactions has been detected inside a 48 hours time interval around the GRB time. The data analysis on a wider time interval to find a possible weak signal or to establish the limit on the neutrino emission is in progress. Results will be published, as soon as possible, on LNGS Internal Report (http://scienza98.lngs.infn.it/) This note can be cited.