TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 39219 SUBJECT: EP-WXT trigger 01709131361: correction to GCN 39214 DATE: 25/02/08 00:05:18 GMT FROM: Brendan O'Connor at Carnegie Mellon University Brendan O’Connor (Carnegie Mellon U.), Malte Busmann (LMU), Daniel Gruen (LMU), Antonella Palmese (Carnegie Mellon U.), Julius Gassert (LMU), Lena Schnappinger (LMU), Julian Sommer (LMU), Lei Hu (Carnegie Mellon U.), Franziska Krause (LMU), Elia Enlghard (LMU) and Yajie Zhang (LMU) report: In Busmann et al. (GCN 39214), we reported observations of EP-WXT trigger 01709131361 with the Fraunhofer-Telescope Wendelstein (FTW). The flare star reported by Levan et al. (GCN 39218) is present in our observations, but was mistakenly rejected as an optical transient in our difference imaging due to the high proper motion and, therefore, unreliable template from the Legacy Survey. The EP trigger is very likely related to this star as initially reported by Levan et al (GCN 39218). We apologize for any confusion caused.