TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 39268 SUBJECT: GRB 250210A: INTEGRAL SPI-ACS detection DATE: 25/02/10 11:08:10 GMT FROM: Aishwarya L Thakur at INAF-IAPS, Rome <aishth@outlook.com> Patrizia Barria(a,b), Giulia Gianfagna(a), James Craig Rodi(a), Aishwarya Linesh Thakur(a), Lorenzo Natalucci(a,b), Luigi Piro(a) report: GRB 250210A was discovered by Fermi/GBM (GCN 39262, seen also by AstroSat/CZTI GCN 39267) on 2025-02-10T05:31:40 (UTC). We searched for a corresponding counterpart in the INTEGRAL/SPI-ACS data. In an SPI-ACS light curve above 80 keV, we find a signal temporally coincident with the GBM detection, having an approximate duration of ~ 40 sec. The signal consists of two pulses over this duration. The approximate peak count rate in SPI-ACS is 67,700 cts/s for E>80 keV, over a median background rate of 63,324 cts/s. This work is based on observations with INTEGRAL, an ESA project with instruments and a science data centre funded by ESA member states (especially the PI countries: Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, and Spain), and with the participation of Russia and the USA. The SPI-ACS detector system has been provided by MPE Garching/Germany. ----- (a) INAF/IAPS-Rome (b) ICSC National Research Centre for High-Performance Computing