TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 39718 SUBJECT: EP250311a/GRB 250311A: Correction to EP-WXT detection time DATE: 25/03/14 08:43:16 GMT FROM: EP Team at NAOC/CAS X. Mao (NAO, CAS), Y. J. Zhang (THU), Y. L. Hua (PMO, CAS), Z. X. Ling (NAO, CAS) report on behalf of the Einstein Probe team: The detection time for the transient EP250311a/GRB 250311A reported in GCN 39664 is incorrect: the corrected EP-WXT detection time is 2025-03-11T01:55:13 (UTC). We apologize for the mistake and any inconvenience caused by this, and thank MAXI team for their suggestion of a reanalysis on the data.