TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 3988 SUBJECT: GRB 050915b, SMARTS optical/IR observations DATE: 05/09/16 01:07:56 GMT FROM: Bethany Cobb at Yale U B. E. Cobb and C. D. Bailyn (Yale), part of the larger SMARTS consortium, report: Using the ANDICAM instrument on the 1.3m telescope at CTIO, we obtained optical/IR imaging of the error region of GRB 050915b (GCN 3987, Falcone et al.), starting 2.0 hours after the burst at 2005-09-15 23:23 UT. Our optical images, in V and I, have a field of view of 6'x6' and, therefore, cover the entire GRB error circle. Our IR images, in J and K, have a smaller field of view, covering a region totaling ~6 square arcminutes in the middle of the quoted error region. Visual comparison of the optical images to the SDSS and the IR images to 2MASS frames does not reveal any new sources. Preliminary image differencing, using the ISIS image subtraction program, also does not reveal any significant variable source within the GRB error region. Analysis of this data is ongoing.