TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 4070 SUBJECT: GRB 051008: Swift UVOT Candidate DATE: 05/10/08 18:41:57 GMT FROM: Pete Roming at PSU P. Roming (PSU), F. Marshall (GSFC), A. Blustin (MSSL) on behalf of the Swift UVOT team: The UVOT began observing GRB 051008 at 17:23:49 UT, 3028 s after the BAT trigger. In the on board processing of the 200 s V-band image, UVOT detected a possible candidate afterglow with respect to the DSS at the following coordinates: RA: 13:31:28.1 Dec: +42:08:05 We estimate the error to be a 1 arcsec radius. The preliminary magnitude estimation is ~15 mag. The source is located in the initial BAT error circle. Analysis on the full field image on the ground is required to verify the authenticity of this source.