GCN Circular 410
IPN localization of BATSE #7766 (GRB990915)
1999-09-16T21:08:10Z (25 years ago)
Kevin Hurley at UCBerkeley/SSL <khurley@sunspot.ssl.berkeley.edu>
K. Hurley, on behalf of the Ulysses GRB team, and Scott Barthelmy,
on behalf of the GCN team, report:
We have derived a preliminary IPN annulus for BATSE trigger #7766
(GRB990915) using Ulysses and BATSE data. This annulus is centered
at RA(2000)=22h 31m 51s, Decl(2000)=+14o 45' 21", and has a radius of
86.361o +/- 0.09o (3 sigma). This annulus just crosses the updated
COMPTEL contours for this burst, and slightly misses the BATSE LOCBURST
position. A map may be found at ssl.berkeley.edu/ipn3/990915/. This
annulus will be refined considerably when the final data become