TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 4158 SUBJECT: GRB 051022: WSRT Radio Detection DATE: 05/10/24 13:38:25 GMT FROM: Alexander van der Horst at U of Amsterdam A.J. van der Horst (University of Amsterdam), E. Rol (University of Leicester) and R.A.M.J. Wijers (University of Amsterdam) report on behalf of a larger collaboration: "We observed the HETE GRB 051022 (GCN 4131) at 4.9 GHz with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope on October 23 from 15.34 to 20.34 UT, i.e. 1.09 - 1.30 days after the burst. We detect a radio source with a flux density of 270 +/- 30 microJy at the position of the bright radio source at 8.5 GHz (GCN 4154). This source is within the Swift XRT error box (GCN 4141), and coincides with the sources A and B (GCN 4143) within our positional errors. We also detect the bright nearby NVSS source northwest of the likely GRB051022 afterglow (GCN 4154), with a flux density of 1382 +/- 30 microJy. Further observations are planned." This message may be cited.