TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 421 SUBJECT: Super-LOTIS optical observation of GRB991014 DATE: 99/10/16 00:02:56 GMT FROM: Hye-Sook Park at LLNL H. S. Park, R. Porrata (LLNL), G. Williams (Clemson Univ.) report on behalf of the LOTIS collaboration: The Super-LOTIS telescope (0.6 m reflector; 0.8 deg fov) responded to the BeppoSAX alert (GCN 417) automatically on Oct 15.528 UT (14.8 hours after the GRB: 5:40 AM local time). The original BATSE trigger 7803 came at 2:21 PM local time and another BATSE trigger 7805 occuring the same evening prevented us from covering the GRB991014 location at earlier times. At the time of this trigger, our camera was not running the TEs because of recent replacement of the CCD (Super-LOTIS is in the integration phase at LLNL.) No astronomical filter was used for these imaging. We obtained 9 images (40 s integration time each) before dawn. We have visually compared these individual images and the summed image with the Digital Sky Survey. No new source was identified within the BeppoSAX/WFC error box brighter than R = 16.8 +/- 0.3 from the summed image. The LOTIS (17.6 x 17.6 deg fov) telescope was also running and covered trigger 7805; so its sky patrol did not obtain early coverage of the GRB991014 location. The Super-LOTIS limit supercedes the LOTIS limit for the BeppoSAX triggered images. Further analysis is in progress and associated data will be placed on our web page.