TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 422 SUBJECT: GRB 991014, optical observations DATE: 99/10/16 02:52:06 GMT FROM: Arne A. Henden at USNO/USRA The U.S. Naval Observatory GRB team (A.A. Henden, F.J. Vrba, B. Canzian, C.B. Luginbuhl, S.E. Levine, H.H. Guetter, J.A. Munn), D.H. Hartmann (Clemson Univ.), M.C. Jennings (IGPP, UCR visitor) report a BVRcIc photometry file for the northern half of the WFI error box of GRB 991014. This file can be found at: ftp://ftp.nofs.navy.mil/pub/outgoing/aah/grb/grb991014.dat One marginal photometric night with a wide variety of Landolt standards having large color and airmass differences was used. Typical zero point errors are 0.02mag, to be added to the Poisson errors reported in the file. All stars brighter than V=14 are saturated and should be ignored. We intend to observe additional nights in November to further calibrate this field, and will update the file accordingly. The team also acquired I-band photometry with the 1.55-m telescope of the NFI error box, and R-band photometry with the 1.0-m telescope of the entire WFI error box, from about 991015 1030 UT until 1230 UT. Due to the Huntsville GRB meeting, this data is being slowly analyzed by a shrunken staff. It is clear again tonight (991016 UT) and additional R-band photometry with the 1.0-m of the NFI error box is scheduled. This GCN note can be cited.