TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 4279 SUBJECT: GRB051114: results of the Swift-XRT observation DATE: 05/11/16 17:42:30 GMT FROM: Giancarlo Cusumano at IASF/CNR Palermo/BeppoSAX,SWIFT V. Mangano, G. Cusumano, V. La Parola, T. Mineo (INAF-IASFPA), D. Burrows, J. Kennea (PSU), L. Cominsky (Sonoma State U.) and J. Norris (GSFC) on behalf of the Swift-XRT team: The Swift-XRT started a 13.6 ks ToO observation of the field of GRB051114 (Cummings at al., GCN 4272) on November 15 at 15:18:23 UT, 35 hours after the burst trigger. No new source was detected within the BAT refined error circle (Sakamoto at al., GCN 4275) down to a limiting flux of 2.3e-14 ergs/cm/cm/s.