TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 4322 SUBJECT: GRB 051210: SALT detection limit DATE: 05/12/10 21:52:31 GMT FROM: Martin Still at NASA/GSFC Swift SSC M. Still, A. Kniazev, S. Siyengo (SAAO) The Southern African Large Telescope, currently in Performance-Verification phase, observed the field of GRB 051210 during evening twilight, and through thickening cloud, with the Salticam CCD camera. Based on comparison with nearby sources, and assuming R-I = 0, we find no sources inside the Swift-XRT error circle (Mangano et al; GCN 4315) down to a limiting magnitude of I = 20.2 at 2005/12/10 18:48 UT. [GCN OPS NOTE(12dec05): The Subject line was changed from 051201 to 051210.]