TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 4323 SUBJECT: GRB 051210: Optical imaging from Las Campanas DATE: 05/12/11 02:13:57 GMT FROM: Edo Berger at Carnegie Obs E. Berger (Carnegie Observatories) and A. Boss (Carnegie DTM) reoprt: "We imaged the error circle of GRB 051210 (GCNs 4318, 4320) with the du Pont 100-inch telescope at Las Campanas Observatory in I-band for a total of 30 min starting on 2005 December 11.04 UT (19.2 hours after the burst). The images were obtained at an airmass of about 1.4 and an average seeing of about 0.8". We do not detect any objects within the XRT error circle to an estimated 5-sigma limit of I>23 mag."