TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 4378 SUBJECT: Possible GRB 051221B: Swift XRT position DATE: 05/12/21 23:01:31 GMT FROM: Kim Page at U.of Leicester K.L. Page, J. Racusin, A.P. Beardmore, D.N. Burrows and N. Gehrels report on behalf of the Swift-XRT team: We have analysed the first orbit of XRT data for BAT trigger 173904 (GCN 4376, Boyd et al.) and find a fading, uncatalogued source located at RA(J2000) = 20h 49m 35.1s Dec(J2000) = 53h 02m 12.2s with an estimated uncertainty of 4.5 arcsec (90% containment). This includes the latest XRT boresight correction and is 62 arcsec from the on-board BAT position given in GCN 4376. From the current data, it is still not possible to determine whether the source is a GRB or a hard X-ray transient.